Brutally Honest David Goggins Quotes That Will Inspire You

David Goggins Quotes

Army recruits laughed at him and he became one of the toughest men in the world alive. Yes I am talking about David Goggins. To master your mind and defy the odds, you need to learn life lessons from him. He is a pure inspiration without a doubt.

Other fake gurus, he is brutally honest when talking about life’s realities. He is arguably one of the best ultra-endurance athletes in the world. Don’t believe me? Have a look at his few achievements here. He once held the Guinness World Record for the most pull-ups in 24 hours.

And he actually completed 4030 pull-ups in just 17 hours. Isn’t it mind-boggling? Let’s learn from his words now. 

Top 10 David Goggins Quotes


“I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m done.”

David Goggins

This is one of the biggest problems in the world that we always stop when we are tired. David Goggins thinks otherwise. He believes that we must not stop until we are done. Consistency plays the most crucial role in achieving something big in life. If you ask yourself, ‘Why can’t I be successful?’. The answer to it is: maybe because you are not consistent enough.

Get inspiration from these quotes about consistency here.


“Greatness pulls mediocrity into the mud. Get out there and get after it.”

David Goggins

If we want to achieve greatness, we need to get off our mediocrity. Do things. Don’t just think or read. Practically implement your learnings. Get your hands dirty. And start getting after it. And don’t stop until you get it.


“You gotta start your journey. It may suck, but eventually, you will come out the other side on top.”

David Goggins

The most difficult thing is to start something. If I want to go vegetarian, I don’t need to stop eating meat immediately, but I got to take a start from somewhere. Every journey is full of obstacles, but every destination is also waiting for us.


“Motivation is crap. Motivation comes and goes. When you’re driven, whatever is in front of you will get destroyed.”

David Goggins

You must have been chasing motivation for years. And that’s where David Goggins steps in and destroys it. Don’t worry, it happens whenever you come across a new angle in your life. Motivation is nothing if we aren’t changing ourselves from inside. All that motivational dose is like knocking at a door, but you can only open the door if you put a considerable force.


“Suffering is a test.  That’s all it is.  Suffering is the true test of life.”

David Goggins

I totally agree with David. Life is full of troubles and troubles are full of tests. The one who can clear these tests can live a happy life afterwards. Life is a test you need to take until you die.


“The worst thing that can happen to a man is to become civilized”

David Goggins

Don’t take David Goggins wrong here. You should be civilized. But think why you need to be civilized and where. Maybe you need to go beyond this worldly laws and understand the core essence of life. The man encourages you to explore your rage down the hill of your mind.


“In times of hell, in times of suffering, even the hardest men tend to forget who they really are.”

David Goggins

It’s not just a quote, but a mirror to reality. When a man besets in trouble, his power of thinking disappears. The first thing is to keep up the morale high and not to get disappointed. But it still happens.


“It’s easier to accept the fact that you’re just not good enough. We all have a lot more than we think we have.”

David Goggins

Sometimes in life, you get negative vibes in life. And you believe that, maybe, you are not good enough. David Goggins says you are. You are more than good enough. And you have more within than you think you have. So be confident, rise, and conquer your world. 


“You will never learn from people if you always tap dance around the truth.”

David Goggins

David Goggins suggests that if we want to search the truth, we need to dig deeper rather than dance around it. We raise questions in mind when a person enters the truth, then we struggle for answers and learn a lot of things. What do you think about this quote? Do let us know in the comments below.


“If you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.”

David Goggins

In today’s world, everyone focuses on pursuing passion, which is not bad. But life is different for everybody. We need to revive our mantra. David Goggins encourages you to take challenges and come out of your comfort zones. And only then you can enjoy the greatness you always longed for. 

What’s Your Favorite David Goggins Quote?

If these David quotes cannot inspire you, I don’t know what will. He is super awesome in turning misery into a life worth living. Do let me know in the comments below. And I will add it here along with my comments as well. 

Published by Abdol Rauf

He is a full-time blogger, freelance marketing writer, and traveler who shares his knowledge about online tools and online businesses based on content.

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